Birth Story
1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
4th Month
5th Month

6th Month (TnT 2004)

7th Month (TnT 2004)

8th Month

9th Month

10th Month

11th Month

12th Month

13th Month

14th Month

15th Month

16th Month

17th Month

18th Month (TnT 2005)

19th Month


20th Month

21st Month

22nd Month

23rd Month


The Name

11th month...


Big brown eyes


  • New favourite vegetable - zucchini

  • Understanding (and saying) words... kinda, sorta

    • CLAP - invokes vigorous hand clapping, sometimes accompanied by a melody (cwap, cwap, cwap, cwap). Clapping can also be induced by words that resemble "clap", like cup. 1st official spoken word!

    • BYE - invokes hand (and arm) waving... sometimes extending way beyond the necessary time.

    • HI - not as consistent as bye, but usually accompanied by extreme excitement (screaming and jumping). 2nd spoken word.

    • COME - can provide hours of entertainment for mummy and daddy if used correctly! Watch her scurry back and forth from one parent to the next!

    • BOTTLE/FOOD - calms nerves in anticipation of receiving sustenance.

    • MUMMY/DADDY - (wishful thinking).

    • NO! - She gets it... and pushes the limits. Mori will crawl over to something that she's been told not to touch at least 100 times and look back just to see if you're looking. Sometimes she'll back off... other times she makes a run for it.

    • DOG - sometimes unsure about these animals, she welcomes them and then backs away. She calls them in her own special way "G-D-A". We're working on petting without pulling tails and ears!

  • Standing solo. Up until now, Mori has been very tentative with letting go. Recently, standing has become less of a novelty and more of a skill to be mastered.

  • Playing games... favourites: hide and seek (usually around a particular object), making faces (must be played with one other player who has to make the same faces back to continue the game).

  • Fascination with trees, grass and the computer.

  • Dancing to music (she's developed a kind of Elvis twitch)

  • Pointing... not necessarily AT anything. Just pointing. THE WHOLE WORLD IS HER PLAYING FIELD!

  • On a less complementary note - biting, pinching and fake screaming.