Birth Story
1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
4th Month
5th Month

6th Month (TnT 2004)

7th Month (TnT 2004)

8th Month

9th Month

10th Month

11th Month

12th Month

13th Month

14th Month

15th Month

16th Month

17th Month

18th Month (TnT 2005)

19th Month


20th Month

21st Month

22nd Month

23rd Month


The Name

21st month...


Thinking it through



Playing on her own - taking care of the baby in the "Little people' toy house... "you good baby?", "you had a nice day baby?"... followed by banging baby on the door! It was a little bit scary really.


Understanding  the severity of illness

Both Morial and I had Gastro Enteritis this month which landed us in the hospital for a 5 hour stay in the waiting room and a dose of saline and gravol through and IV. Lucky for us, they were kind enough to provide us with the special "electrolyte juice" for the duration of our stay.

The doctors were trying to avoid giving Mori the IV since the process of inserting it could prove to be traumatic for both the young patient and the nurses (probably more so the nurses). I had a suspicion that Mori would be ok but since I'm sure the nurses hear that all of the time from doting parents I neglected to say anything. I think we were all relieved when Mori slept through the entire thing!


Developing long term memory - pulling back stuff from months ago (ex. I want to sit on Lise's chair... memories of passover dinner)

Conjugation - cognisance of the difference between me and I, past, present and continuous tenses.

Cooking eggs

Making sandcastles at the park (with Monica... the girl who lives at the park)

Drawing circles




You mustn't kick the cat (even though no one has a cat), and you should only kick soccer balls

  • MORI-ISMs'

Chasing Charlie (the dog) and laughing hysterically.

Using, "no, I don't want .... " as a response to everything.

Inviting everyone to Jamaica. Ayla's going to Jamaica and Papa bear is going to Jamaica and Satchi and Buddy and Charlie (the 3 dogs)

Randomly making comments about A. Liza and U. Asha. Aunty Liza was playing football with daddy (fat chance) and then we took A. Liza and Tsahai to the park.

Making up songs.

Tap dancing (kinda)

The "look at this game"... as she throws herself into different positions.

Unusual attraction to dandelions and pine-cones. There's at least 1 collection in every car and house and Mori frequents.