Birth Story
1st Month
2nd Month
3rd Month
4th Month
5th Month

6th Month (TnT 2004)

7th Month (TnT 2004)

8th Month

9th Month

10th Month

11th Month

12th Month

13th Month

14th Month

15th Month

16th Month

17th Month

18th Month (TnT 2005)

19th Month


20th Month

21st Month

22nd Month

23rd Month


The Name

19th month...



Finally accepting that not every colour is blue: we've now added green, yellow and purple to the repertoire.

Recognizing the letters "m", "d", "x" and "v"

Counting to 10.

WANTING to clean up her own messes, put away her toys etc. (only happens about 30% of the time.. but it's progress).

Feeding herself. Usually accompanied by the phrase "do it on my own" and a stern look if you even attempt to get anywhere near an eating utensil.


When asked "What is your name", she responds with "Morial Joseph"... very proudly too.



Asking for things in full sentences: "Can I have a bottle please mummy/daddy" - yah



Anuty "Manessa" = Vanessa reborn

Peeing on the floor of the bathroom rather than in the toilet.

Throwing herself on the ground in protest.

Lying on the ground (either inside or out) in her snow suit.

Full command of the word "no".

Jumping in snow/ice/water.

Jumping off the last step in the staircase.

Can "so and so" feed me please. Food always tastes better when it comes from the person who's busy doing something else.